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Privacy-preserving payment systems, goals for 2025, and a new side project

Happy New Year all! I hope you had a great holiday break and a wonderful start to the year. I enjoyed some much needed rest and got a chance to read a lot of books I've been meaning to get to. One of them was a novella called

Privacy-preserving payment systems, goals for 2025, and a new side project
Members Public

Lessons from the first issue of The 418

It's been about a month since Christina and I published our first issue of The 418 zine (check it out here if you haven't already!) and now that I've had a little bit of time to sit and reflect on how things went, I

Lessons from the first issue of The 418
Members Public

The 418

I grapple more often than I'd like to admit with a sense that I don't entirely 'belong' in the tech community. I don't enjoy trying out every shiny new tool or framework that comes out seemingly every week. I don't

The 418