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Erica Pisani

Hi! I'm Erica, a Sr. Software Engineer living in Toronto, Canada with my dog Ada.

I love to write and find that it helps deepen my understanding of various topics as I learn them. I decided to start this blog as a way of sharing not only what I learn, but also various topics and ideas that I find interesting with others.

I hope you enjoy what you read here.

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Assorted reads (January 2025)

Hi folks, I hope you've all been doing well! 👋 I've been starting my new year on a bit of a podcast-listening binge, revisiting old shows that I've stepped away from for a bit as well as trying some new ones out that I'

Assorted reads (January 2025)
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Privacy-preserving payment systems, goals for 2025, and a new side project

Happy New Year all! I hope you had a great holiday break and a wonderful start to the year. I enjoyed some much needed rest and got a chance to read a lot of books I've been meaning to get to. One of them was a novella called

Privacy-preserving payment systems, goals for 2025, and a new side project
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Assorted reads (December 2024)

Hi folks! I hope you all have a relaxing holiday season ahead. I plan on using mine to make one last push to finish a book or two before the year ends to try and beat my reading goal from last year, and to try and learn a new keyboard

Assorted reads (December 2024)
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How to install nvim-ufo in LazyVim to enable foldable code blocks

A feature that I've found myself missing since making the switch to Vim as my editor of choice is the ability to easily fold and expand code blocks. I know this functionality is included in Neovim, but I couldn't understand the native implementation enough to use

How to install nvim-ufo in LazyVim to enable foldable code blocks
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Assorted Reads (November 2024)

Hey folks, it's that time of month again! I hope you're all having a great weekend wherever you are in the world. Let's jump right in! Instead of Being Cynical, Try Becoming Skeptical This read came from an issue of my favourite newsletter, Dense

Assorted Reads (November 2024)