How to install nvim-ufo in LazyVim to enable foldable code blocks
A feature that I've found myself missing since making the switch to Vim as my editor of choice is the ability to easily fold and expand code blocks. I know this functionality is included in Neovim, but I couldn't understand the native implementation enough to use

How to install a Nerd Font on Warp
I started using Vim as my IDE of choice recently, and one of the things I wanted early on was a more visually appealing icon and font set. I kept reading about Nerd Fonts so I decided to try installing one, but the instructions for doing so were both clear
A month of using Vim
I've wanted to dedicate time to learning Vim for probably a decade now. When I was just getting started as a junior developer, I remember thinking that the people who used it in their day-to-day were "so cool" and felt a bit of awe at how